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RoadTrips is an independent adventure travel company which was started in 1991 by adventurer
RoadTrips is an independent adventure travel company which was started in 1991 by adventurer
Chris Little and Andy MacDonald have both worked in the office for over fifteen years.
This business model has won us several awards and also a lot of interest from the academic sector.
A lot in the responsible business ethos that has been at the heart of the company since it began.
We are also proud of the staff who have remained employees for many years.
Fundamentally the company reflects friendships formed during a lifetime of adventures. .
Products are never just products, right?
Coca-Cola is more than a soda. Starbucks is more than a coffee. Ray-Ban is more than a pair of sunglasses. Glossier is more than a tube of concealer.
Interacting with these products provide experiences, and we buy them with that experience in mind.